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Swan Song for the Pachyrhinosaurus Mural at the 2007 Alaska State Fair:
Monday was the last day of the fair. Which means there's precious little time remaining to see the mural I designed and painted in the farm exhibits barn (the vast green building on the fairgrounds). So little, in fact, that you missed your chance:

I don't know why crap is piled in front of the painting. Perhaps it's another artistic statement, something along the lines of, "I don't know where to store my crap, so dumping out in public is as good a place as any."
Not referring here to the picnic table, which is sort of ideal. Here is a place to eat your lunch: in front of a charging dinosaur. Keen.
I should also mention that the prints also have an information sheet.
Anyway, I didn't do this alone. I mean, I could have, but I'd still be painting it, and probably hating every minute of it. I owe some thanks for the efforts of the following people for helping realise it: Carmen Summerfield, Mindy Nix, Brian Lyons, Raven Amos, and Dennis Denniston.
Thank you all.
For completeness' sake, here's the visual history of these pieces:
After about 20 or so discards and false starts, I finally had a good rough:

Which was color roughed in Photoshop:

This was then projected against the wall for the mural via an LCD projector.
I did rework the rough somewhat, but didn't do much with it:

Relocated from the old blog 26 January 2008
Also featured here.
1 comment:
Still my favorite piece you've ever done, sir, Tyrannosaur head notwithstanding. Also, ceratopsian quills were probably NOT homologous with coelurosaurian protofeathers. SO THERE!
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